Monday, October 10, 2011

2 months ago...

Yes! I'm now officially one of those bloggers.  One of those that you see in someones blog list on the side that says I have not updated my blog in 234,951 months.  Maybe I am being dramatic, but I do hate that I have let my blog go to the wayside.  I have written about 100 posts in the last two months in my head as I'm going about my day.  Posts about whats for dinner or what I wish was for dinner; what God has been teaching me about being a mom, being a wife, loving others and following Him; what my kids have been up to and how much they can grown in two months...especially the boy; and about my sweet teenagers that I teach each week at church!  Two whole months have passed by and all I can say is that they have been filled, pack out and lots of fun! These three four have kept me busy and on my toes!

(This pic cpould not have been left out!)

We have been spending time together watching some football...even though our team hasn't won every game!

Taking new dance and gymnastic classes....

And overall just growing like weeds....

....pinky promise it won't be two more long months!


  1. Yay! I've been missin' you! :)

  2. Ummm.... I think its been almost two months. Post some holiday photos. I want to see how everyone has grown. And see what you've been up to.

    Happy Holidays and hoping your Christmas is very Merry indeed.


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