Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hello Out There.....

Is anyone there!?? Well, I've done it again! I have let another two months pass without one blog post.  I have multiple excuses, but I guess the best one is caring for my kiddos.  There is a nice quiet lull at my house right now as I sit down to type...which is rare!  The girls are snuggled up watching a Christmas movie and baby boy blue is down for a nap.  We have been particularly busy, which is just a "norm" for us.  I do like busy, but I also am enjoying this week of no preschool and not having to be anywhere at a particular time.  It has been nice making last minute get together plans with friends and neighbors to celebrate Christmas! And if you know me well you know I do last minute at it's best. Spur of the moment is my specialty and where I thrive!

I do want to share what we treasure as important this time of year and really all year, but first a little recap of what we have been up to:

We had a wonderful fall beach vacation with my parents and enjoyed getting away.  There is something different about the beach in the fall.  Its just a little more laid back and not so busy.  When it comes to the beach I would be happy visiting just about anytime of the year!

After arriving home we found out the computer had crashed...another reason for my blogging hiatus and lack of pictures on this post!  We still have no computer so if you have some suggestions for what we should get let me know! I now sit and type at my husbands laptop from work...and I am not particularly fond of the small screen.  So maybe not a laptop?!

Baby boy blue struggled with an ear infection for 6 weeks and also had RSV...eventually the pediatrician sent us to the ENT and the next day he was getting tubes.  He has been a perfectly happy and content baby even through the infections, but now he seems even more happy!

Oh...and it has already SNOWED! BOOO! Sorry..I am not a fan of is pretty one time, but I have a feeling that we will have multiple snows this year! Maybe we should finally invest in a REAL sled, not a rubbermaid storage top.

My husband and I continue to teach in the youth department, which we both love.  These kids have grown us spiritually and blessed our walk with Christ in many ways.  We love spending time with them on a regular basis!!

And now we are just soaking in this time of year as we celebrate the birth of our King....Jesus! We have gotten so much joy teaching our girls about the lineage of Christ through the Jesse tree this year. 

The lamb ornament to represent the passover.  We discussed how Jesus is our passover lamb!

Almost full with all of our ornaments!

They are like little sponges soaking in everything they hear...even when we think they are not listening!  I love that my five and three year old can retell some major Old Testament events and how they pertain to the birth and resurrection of Christ! Thank you Jesus!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and if I do not get back to the blog world before January...happy New Year!


  1. I LOVE this picture!! Hope yall have a Merry Christmas:)

  2. Your Jesse tree ornaments turned out great!!

    And, you are doing such a great job of teaching your sweeties Biblical truth!!!!!

    The picture needs to be framed in yr house!!! Tracy did an excellent job in capturing everyone!

    Have a great Christmas!!! Love yall!

  3. Precious family picture!!

  4. Love the tree! Hope you had a great Christmas! Love the family pic :)


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