Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Recuperation and a Rewind

It's taken me a while to get it together after the vaca.  And, no I still don't have it "together"! I mean, in the whole scheme of things...who does?? I even had a majority of our laundry clean before leaving for the beach and that only helped a smidge. Fun things have been going on though!

My little man is moving and grooving! He is starting to crawl and sit up.  The thing that melts my heart the most is the fact that he has started putting his little arms out for me.  This was MC's attempt to get a photo of it!
Ken and I got in a fun dinner date for our 8 year anniversary on the 26th.  These dates are very far and few in between, but two of my high school girls from church were willing to babysit all three kiddos so that we could get out!

I also got a fun night out with a friend to teach some young married girls at church how to make this little bracelet.  It was fun to teach others something new and to hear my friend's message on passing on what we have learned in Christ to the next generation!
Speaking of my high school cute are they?? A few of us were able to get together for a swim party before they had to start school.  I have been teaching these girls at church for the past two years and I look forward to two more great years with them!

My little ones are just growing like weeds...Jack is now SIX MONTHS!!! I know...breathe! He is just a ball of fun, laid back, and so very sweet! 

We have been gearing up for pre-school and other activities like dance! This year the girls wanted to take ballet.  They really love the show Angelina Ballerina on PBS.  I think that is what sparked their interest.  MC was the first to ask to take, but when Caroline realized you get special shoes she wanted in on the action too!

Now for the rewind...
On the way to the beach we got to drop in for lunch with some sweet friends that we had not seen in a VERY long time! It was so nice to catch up with the Busbees.  The girls had a blast and can't wait until we meet up again.  As always Lauren was the perfect hostess and had the YUMMIEST food!;)

On our way back from the beach we made a pit stop at Mimi & Pop's to celebrate Pop's 21st birthday! Ha!  He had a hamburger party! See the cute hamburger cake?? Mom made sliders and all the traditional sides that were WONDERFUL!

Now I must work on 365, hopefully I will be a better blogger when September hits.  If not you know what I'm spending my time doing....staying busy with my sweet family!

1 comment:

  1. Looks to me like you're doing the right things... keeping busy and loving on your sweet family.

    Jack is so adorable, his eyes are super sweet and that smile... just pulls you in.

    Love your dress for your date night!

    Fun. Fun. Fun.


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