Thursday, February 4, 2010

Burlap...the New Black

If you surf the blog world any you have probably come across dozens of burlap projects for home decor'! I had never thought of decorating with burlap until I read some of these ideas.  They all seemed fun, easy, and cheap! One of the most recents that I have stumbled across was the burlap wreath.  I had all the necessary items on hand so I whiped one up the other afternoon.  Let me tell you it WAS easy, and for me I had to buy NO supplies!
Here is my version:

Other Burlap Tutorials I Love:

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  1. Very cute! Love the burlap look!

  2. Love the wreath! And I LOVE burlap! It's so affordable!! And as you've shown you can do almost ANYTHING with it! Thanks for always inspiring with fun new ideas!

  3. Hey Ashley! I am so glad you found me. Your girls are precious!!!!! I love that y'all have gotten so close to Ashley and Robby. I wish we lived closer, so we could see them more and Pearce could know their boys. I also LOVE all your creative projects. I am getting in touch with my creative side again, and I would love to ask you some questions if you don't mind. My email is if you have time to shoot me one, then I can reply to you.

    It looks like y'all are doing WONDERFUL! Take care!


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