Monday, February 8, 2010

It's Back....

This morning we woke up to another white wonderland.  This time it was a surprise because we had not watched the news and had NO CLUE that it was going to snow.  This time it was beautiful and powdery, and perfect for playing in! The girls lasted a long time outside having fun.  Sugar would have been happy to go in after about 10 minutes (sounds like her mama).  Spice was content until she started getting cold and requested a hot bath (also sounds like her mama). 

Action shots down the slide...this tickled Spice the most!
Not too afraid to get wet and make snow angels...
Snowman Making 101....Daddy was at work, so we did not have him to help :(
waala..the finished product!
After a few bites of snow Sugar was ready to call it a day!

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  1. So fun and so sweet! Nicely accessorized(sp?) snowman!!!

  2. Oh, my! Now that's some snow! We're supposed to get some today. My two would love to have enough for making snow angels and snowmen. Although, I don't think we could beat that snowman! I love all of his accessories! I'm sure if Mr. Nice were at home he would have picked the same brightly colored scarf and hat:)Stay warm!

  3. We visited the snow for the weekend and that was so much work. I don't even know what it would be like to live in it.

    But it sure is pretty. And your little ones look so sweet all bundled up.


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