Sunday, January 31, 2010

Icy Weekend

The weekend we have been pretty much iced in! We thought we would be getting some beautiful soft fluffy snow, but that was not the case! Friday morning the ice started falling; it then turned into a downpour of snow. At the rate it was falling I just knew we would be out making snowmen by Saturday morning. The snow quickly turned back into ice, and that is how the rest of the day went. Mr. Nice came home early from work and we spent Friday night bundled up inside with pizza and movies!

Saturday morning we woke up to a frozen frosty yard! Spice was concerned why we could not make a snowman, but we still had fun stomping around in the ice!

(yes! that is a rubbermaind top! yes! we are from the deep south and we do not own a sled!)

(Sunday morning as the sun was shining on the frozen trees)

In the meantime, I was able to finish a few projects like reorganizing toys and starting on my labor of love.....Valentine's Day gifts to the girls...homemade quilts!! Yes that’s right....I have NEVER made a quilt...or two at the same time!! Hopefully these babies will be done just in time for a sweet Valentine's surprise!

Sunday church was closed due to the frozen roads and parking lots. So we told Sugar and Spice we would have Sunday school at home. Mr. Nice asked Spice what she wanted him to teach about and she quickly responded with David and Goliath! So this morning we ate pancakes, eggs and bacon, then Mr. Nice made a warm fire and we had Sunday school in our P.J.'s!
Mr. Nice as Goliath!
Spice stunned at her daddy standing on a table telling the Bible story (later she told us Mrs. Dee...her S.S. teacher did not tell it that way!..ha!)

Although we were iced in we had a great weekend spending a lot of together time as a family!

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  1. the quilts are adorable!! I asked for a sewing machine for my bday this week! I am dying to learn how. Two of the fabrics in the quilt are Maggie's bumper and bedskirt on her crib!

  2. I wish I was crafty like you! Your girls are precious! I'm sure Ken did a great job as Goliath ;)

  3. I can't wait to see those quilts!

  4. Oh I so enjoyed reading this post. We don't have anything cold here, so I have no idea how it feels to be snowed or iced in or anything. Your little ones are so precious.

    Good luck on that quilt. I used a rotary cutter in December and just about chopped my thumb off.


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