Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Time marches on...

 I marvel at God's handiwork to see how a sweet baby boy can go from this....
to this....
in one short year! Well....almost.  Baby boy blue is one week away from turning one and I can hardly believe it! 

Although he is starting to enter the wiggly ones, he will still let me hold him.  He even gives sweet hugs and lays on my shoulder, which of course I eat up!! 
Way back when I found out he was a boy, I could hardly believe it.  We were a "girl" family and now we had a boy! Jack has been a super sweet little boy that laughs and seems to never have a bad day.  He is always joyful and tends to go with the flow.  
Thank you Lord for the sweet blessing of this little guy!


  1. he is such an angel. i can't wait to see what sort of antics he pulls on his older sisters in years to come.


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