Sunday, June 19, 2011

They're Back!!

The girls have been gone six whole days to visit my parents!  They have all been so excited and looking forward to this week for months!!  I must admit, I have been a little excited too.  I was going to get to spend QT with the hubs and Jack plus get the 500 things on my to do list done!  A few things included:
*cleaning closets
*catching up on laundry
*rearranging the girl's room
*you get the picture!
As the week started, I realized it took me two whole days to get the laundry caught up and house in order from the week before (VBS week)!  My list of 500 quickly dwindled to 200, and as I enjoyed calm quiet days with Jack that list dropped to like 5!! Oh well for being productive! This little smile grabbed my attention just about every second!
While they were gone my parents kept them super busy, let me say they were productive!! They went blueberry picking and brought us home 2 gallons!! They went for bike rides, swimming, and camped on my parent's screened porch.  The girls made us cookies and sent us a "care package".  They even went to an alligator farm!!! We are huge Swamp People fans at our house! All in all they had a great time!!

Molly Cate enjoyed catching lightening bugs in our new grass when she returned home...

Caroline enjoyed snuggle time with Daddy and was totally worn out...

The girls..and Jack were sad to see Mimi and Pop go, and they were very thankful for a fun week spent with them!

Since being home the girls have been enjoying helping Daddy water the grass and running and playing in the sprinklers!

They have also been on the prowl with their new found toys..WATER BALLOONS!

The definitely missed the little guy, and were eager to helping him eat his first meal of rice cereal!

We were happy to be all back together for Father's Day, and are soooo VERY THANKFUL for the wonderful daddy and husband God has blessed us with!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Ken!! Nice grass, can't wait to see it in person :)


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