Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Five seems like a big milestone, although I know that every year is precious and slipping quickly by! I just can't get over the fact that my big girl is FIVE YEARS OLD!! WOW!!

This year for MC's party we celebrated at a local donut shop...Oh Susannas for those of you in the Memphis area.  If your kids love to help out in the kitchen and/or donuts this is the perfect party for them!!

First we arrived early so that Caroline and MC could prepare the dough!

They did a great job at kneading the dough..I'm thinking of keeping some dough on hand at home to let them get some energy out...they LOVED this!

After the dough was ready the guests started to arrive....MC was thrilled to have lots of friends at her party!

When everyone arrived we all headed back to the kitchen to roll out the dough and cut it! Everyone got to cut their own donut!

While we waited on the donuts to rise everyone made cute little kitty donuts...and ate them up!

Next, it was ti,e to glaze and sprinkle our donuts...yum yum!

Although little man could not eat a donut, he got some love from Mr. Oh Susanna. 

What's not a donut party without a donut cake???

MC and her buddy Emma-Kate who also shares the SAME birthday.  Another friend at the party shares the same birthday with MC, but she left before I could get their picture!

At home we opened our gifts from our sweet friends.  What thoughtful buddies MC has!

The day of Molly Cate's real birthday we celebrated with gifts and dinner out.

BoomPa came to have a yummy hibachi style dinner with us!

The night was topped off with dessert...and singing...I looked pretty confused as to what they were singing though....ha!

Happy Birthday to my sweet big girl!!!! What fun the past five years have been!!


  1. What sweet pics!!!! LOVE the donut party!

  2. Happy BIrthday Caroline! You are now 5, a Kindergartner and always cute as pie.

  3. Oh, where did our babies go!?! Can't believe they are five this month! Love the doughnut party idea. Absolutely precious. Such a sweet way to ring in such a special year. Give the b'day girl a hug from us. We sure miss all of our June birthday friends!!!


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