Saturday, February 20, 2010

Days Like These.....

I cherish, becuase I know they will not last forever.
Days we can do art in our PJs...

Have a yummy snack that makes us want to lick our fingers....

Play dress up until we get too tired of that and decide to play babydolls....

Then have a picnic lunch on beanbags....

Then end the afternoon with a madeup, fun drink we like to call the "tuti-fruti wazatuti"!

No, I did not get any laundry done on this day but I got more than enough hugs and least enough to last until the next day!

"A joyful heart makes a cheerful face.." Proverbs 15:13a
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  1. Oh, I love this post. Reminds us all to enjoy those lazy days with our "babies." They're only young once! I may have to add the Tutti-Fruit Wazatuti ingredients to my grocery list. Looks yummy!

    P.S. Kathryn especially loved seeing the girls dressed up!

  2. Your house looks like way more fun than my house.

  3. They are so adorable! I can not wait to play dress up and baby dolls with my little girl!!


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