Monday, February 22, 2010

Houston We Have a Problem.....

YES! You counted right...8...the amount of boxes of Girl Scout Cookies Mr. Nice brought home! Not sure if I should be upset or excited about this?

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  1. uh-oh! yummy! just think, its for a good cause! hehe!

  2. I'm willing to take one for the team. I'll be over in 20 minutes for that box of Thin Mints!

  3. I laughed so hard when I saw this! I made Brandon come read it! You sound just like me. I hate them and love them all in the same breath!!! I wish I had some though :)

  4. be excited! we didn't have girl scouts this year so we missed the sale.

  5. Be excited! We've already eaten through our boxes, and the girl scouts were selling again at Sam's on Saturday. It took all I could do to say no! They are worth every calorie and every fat gram. Enjoy!!!

  6. Girl Scout cookies! Did you know that Edy's makes Girl Scout ice cream in the Thin Mint ,Samoa, & Tag alongs. They only have it this time of year!


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