Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Perfect January Day!

When I think of January I think of snow, cold and dreary grey days.  The Lord sure did surprise us today with a glorious Saturday to spend together along with some of our best friends..The Sully boys! (Mama Sully was away and missed by Mama Tony!) We decided to head over to My Big Backyard to run, play and burn off some winter cabin fever!

All the kids around were squealing, running and was very obvious that all kids young and old were ready to get out and about!

Monkeying around at the spider web!

The big boys having a "deep" conversation! When these two get together it is like two old ladies who talk and talk and talk.  The most wonderful part is how most all of their conversations revolve around Jesus...I just love that!

More monkey business!

 Hanging with these two fellas made me excited to see little Jack at this age in a few years!
These two insisted this was the best way to swing!

Good thing these snowmen were not really made of snow considering it was about 70 degrees today!

 Last but not least, probably our last picture as a family of four! Jon was looking for perfect lighting..I think that Juniper Tree Photography should hire him!


  1. Precious pictures! I will definitely pray for you about your delivery Monday:)

  2. I like that last picture. I can't wait to hug and kiss on baby Jack!!!!! See you Monday!

  3. Ooooo, I'm SO jealous of your weather! How fun! I was almost beside myself today when I finally saw the sun for only the third time this month, ugh!

    And wow, only you Ashley, has the energy to "craft nest"! I LOVE your projects though! Praying for you all :)

  4. This weekend was perfect for getting outside and your pictures turned out great!!


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