Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Crazy Crafting Nesting Woman

I'm a huge procrastinator! Really! I wait until the last minute to do just about everything.  I work better that way.  I do my best work in the 12th hour.  Now, I  know cleaning the house like a mad woman is normal for a pregnant woman who is almost in her 39th week, but I have also been on a last minute crafting craze.  Up first is this cute little yarn letter "J" for Jack's room...

Because who does not need a yarn letter?
I made it by wrapping a chipboard letter from Joannes with light blue yarn. It was easy to make!

Up next are these little lovelies.  They were a labor of love and very rewarding to make for the girls.  They are going in their "big sister kits" that I am putting together for them to have at the hospital when they come to visit.  In the big sister kits are the doll, a small photo album with pictures from the day they were born, candy, snacks, a mini coloring book, crayons, and stickers.  Hopefully enough to keep the busy so that they aren't bouncing off the walls of the hospital! Maybe I should take out the candy?

Another treat I made for the girls are these little skirts, I'm thinking post baby pictures with brother?  The aqua blue fabric will be on a onesie for him with his name.  The thought of perfect pictures may just be a too perfect idea, but hopefully everyone will cooperate and be happy! Can't wait to see my three munchkins all nestled together!

One more thing for baby Jack includes this door hanger for the hospital.....

Never ever ever would I have gotten all these projects done if I were not "crafting nesting" right now.  I guess I know my crafting time will be non existent in a few days!


  1. I love the door hanger!!! Such a cute idea!

  2. Oh, how I love the dolls! Sending prayers for a easy delivery and speedy recovery.

  3. Love it all! The dolls are absolutely adorable! Can't wait to see those sweet pictures of the girls with their baby brother!

  4. I love everything!! Can't wait to see pics of him and the entire fam :)

  5. I have been seeing more and more "big sibling" kits... is this the new thing? I love it and think it's wonderful to have something special to give older children to make them feel included :)

  6. I LOVE these dolls! I just ran across your blog and it seems that you are VERY busy with a new little one. If you have a second - just wondering if you made up the patterns for these dollies or if you could point me in the right direction so I could make one for my little girl. I'm having a baby in Sept and would love to hand this to her at the hospital!


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