Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sugar and Spice go Sweet and Sassy!

Last week the girls went for a Christmas was well over due!! I really do not remember the last time Spice got a haircut because she has been wanting to grow it out.  This was the very first (professional) haircut for Sugar.  You may remember when she tried to style her own hair??

Spice went first to show Sugar the ropes! She chose orange shampoo and conditioner!

Sugar chose the pineapple...looks like she is relaxing on the beach huh??

Spice was an old pro at sitting in the chair, although not that still!

Sugar was mesmerized and VERY still...lets just hope she was not taking notes for her next style!

Finished products...this little salon is a very girly salon with glitter for your hair and everything!

The girls even got the special treat of having a manicure! Thanks to Aunt Laura!

We had a great time being girly girls at Sweet and Sassy!

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1 comment:

  1. OMG your girls are precious!!! I bet they had a blast!


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