Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Scootin' Around

Braving 25-30 degree temperatures is not what I love best, but after much begging I gave in and followed the girls on their scooter ride.  These were a Christmas gift that they have enjoyed riding in the house thus far.  I was surprised at how well Sugar did on hers, but I guess I need to come to the realization that she is getting bigger too! I can not believe in a few months she will be three! Off they quickly went down the sidewalk....
A few stops to admire the huge leaves still falling and to take some pics...
Spice requested a red scooter, I thought she would want pink, but her taste and intrests never seem to surprise me.  She is her own person with her own little style and that is one thing I love about her!

Sugar in all pink with her boots!

All bundled up...after a while they realized what I meant when I told them it was FREEZING outside!

So, it was a few more pics, a quick turn around...

and we were on our way back home to thaw out! A few quick rides in freezing temps is ok with me, but I will look forward to this more in the spring!

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1 comment:

  1. Jackson got a scooter, too, and has been begging to go outside with it :) Glad they had fun!!


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