Friday, December 3, 2010

Boy Story

Yes I typed that right, I'm talking about the boy not toys.  Baby boy blue's arrival is sneaking up on us fast.  I think it may have something to do with the fact that the end of this pregnancy is around the holidays.  I have about 9 1/2 weeks to go and many things on my to do list...painting, a name, getting furniture out, choosing a name, car seat and stroller, picking a name, diapers and wipes, DID I mention this child has NO name, oh the list goes on and on!

Maybe you can take a peek at him and tell us what you think?

Since this is my third, but first boy I kinda feel like we are having our first baby all over again.  It is exciting looking and shopping for him, but honestly not too much has been done.  Here is what has been done...
Bedding & Curtains..

 These prints were purchased HERE for his room.

I have also purchased a dresser for a changing table at a local antique junk store and a hutch for storage from craigslist.  Those will be painted soon and in his room.  This is the dresser...

Another great deal I found was this pottery barn book rack at our local PB Outlet.  I would have never paid full price for this, but at $30 I thought that was a steal!

In the midst of all this planning the perfect room for a not so perfect baby (not get mad at me for saying that..just keep reading) I must keep the real Boy Story in my mind, especially in this month.  See there IS a perfect BOY that was born this time of year, and no he did not have the perfect room, perfect blanket, or perfect bookshelf that his mom got for a steal.  He had NO room.  So, as I plan, nest and prepare for our little gift of joy I do not want to get sidetracked on what I need to focus my attention on, and that is Jesus.  He came to this earth for you and me and this boy that I am preparing a room for. Let's not loose focus, let's not get consumed in the stuff.

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  1. Congratulations on expecting a baby boy. I too had two girls and then a boy. It took a lot of getting used to. Boys are so different.

    I'm so jealous that you have a PB outlet neat you. I've been wanting that magazine rack for forever. great find! Love the prints you chose for hi room too.

  2. Ashley he looks like he will be so handsome! The things for his room are too cute! I loved those prints and almost bought the balloon one so I can't wait to see how you frame it! I also LOVE the book shelf. It's on my dads 'to do' list for Mary Brooke!

  3. Love all of the precious finds for Little Boy Anthony's room! May sound strange, but sometimes I feel like it's easier to find cute boy things than it is girl things. Maybe it's just that there is so much girl stuff out there, it's hard to ever make a decision. Can't wait to see his finished room and find out the name!

  4. Well aren't you sweet?!?! Thanks for visiting and leaving comments. Always a fun surprise to see who's reading, isn't it?

    I absolutely LOVE the prints you ordered...especially that last one! And the book rack...a steal! Good find!

    As for names, I've only got girls, I never had to think about boy names. My neighbors have five boys, and of their names, I love Holt and Reid.

    Happy weekend!

  5. How exciting...a boy! We had one girl name and one boy name...our boy name was Harrison. Have fun finding just the right one.

  6. That's it. Jesus! Just like our little boy wonder at VBS this year. Double the namesake, double the fun.

    You should watch Sprout when they roll the birthdays across the bottom of the screen. I always check out the names as they scroll by.

  7. OMG, congratulations!!!! Names are so tricky. So much pressure. Loved the ultra pics! Thnks for sharing. Both my babies were winter wee ones so I know this time of year can get crazy. With my first born we came home from the hospital new year's eve. Ended up loosing power and I was a wreck. Makes for a good story now LOL. Anyway I'm just thrilled and tickled for you. Oh Boy!! With my son I literally went through a baby book of 1001 names letter by letter. I'm so not the one to ask he he. Love your decor ideas! Hard to think my little guy will be one this Feb. Enjoy each moment from here on out. Such special times for you and your family!

  8. ooo how fun! I'm getting ready for my first & I'm having loads of fun! =)

  9. Hi! I just found your blog today and I love it :) I have 2 boys and 1 girl. I felt like I was having my first baby when I found out we were having a girl! I LOVE thinking of baby names. We found so many boys names we liked but had such a hard time with our girl's name. Isaac is 5, Gabe is 3 and Selah just turned 1 this October. My favorite boys name that we didn't pick is Peter. LOVE it. I also love Soloman, Moses, Abraham Jude and Jonah...we kind of had a bible theme...can you tell?? If we have any more girls I think we will go with Ruby or Eden. Anyway, this is really long and rambling....sorry about that! Good luck with the name hunting! And I SO LOVE what you had to say about the one and only perfect boy to ever walk our earth. Definitely trying to focus on Him this CHRISTmas season...and all year :)

    Angie from Ohio

  10. No name? Ha, it must be in the air. Why oh why is it so difficult this time around? Love the bedding and prints you've chosen, I've yet to do any of that.

    But you were so right about the Perfect Boy and keeping our eyes on him.

    I'm hoping you get things done soon, calmly and stress-free and that you are feeling well.

    Hugs from another preggo.

  11. Love those prints! They're perfection!!


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