Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Scrappy Fabric Ornaments {A Tutorial}

If you read my blog then you may have noticed that I am a fabric junkie! I think I need to just work in a fabric store or open one up.  I just love all the colors and styles and thinking of things to make with it.  I just don't always have the time to real "sew", so that is where all my fabric scrap projects come in.  I like easy, fun and quick!  So, here is a little tut on these cute little ornaments that you can whip up in no time!
Foam balls (I used 2" and 3" sizes)
Fabric scraps cut into long strips (I had all lengths and widths that I measuring required!)
Extra long straight pins
Twine or Ribbon

1.  Start with your fabric strip.  Here is what mine looked like.  I ended up using about three like this for the larger ball.  I like when the fabric is a little frayed.  Some of mine were and some were not.

2. Next, just hold down the end with your thumb and start wrapping...

..and wrapping....making sure to overlap your fabric so that you do not see the Styrofoam...

...and wrapping...if you come to the end of your fabric, but haven't wrapped the whole ball then just overlap it and keep wrapping.  No need to glue or sew.

3.  When you have completely covered the ball stick a pin in place and cut off any excess fabric.  

4. Cut off enough twine or ribbon to tie off one end while making a loop for hanging.

5.  Take your pin out and stick the twine in the knot and through the ball.

6. Start decorating! Use them on your tree or tie on packages!

The ornaments in the girl's room were done in pink and green fabrics.  The possibilities are endless.  Match them up to your Christmas decor! 
I'm linking up here:

Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!




  1. these are absolutely wonderful! i can assure you that i am going to do this fun craft this christmas! i love it!

  2. Oh Ashley, these are adorable!!! I have TONS of fabric left over from making our stockings and tree skirt..... I can't wait to add these cuties to our tree:) Thanks so much- Jess

  3. These turned out great! I can't wait to make a few (or more) with my scraps!

  4. i love these!! so cute and easy. i can't wait to make some of my own!

  5. too cute and a great way to use your scraps! Make sure you enter my two giveaways from this week for your girls.:)

  6. What a great idea! I liked the idea of using the ornaments as gift toppers.

    Check out my blog about gift wrapping ideas.You might enjoy reading it.

  7. What a great post! Thanks for linking up at tatertotsandjello!

    I'd love for you to check out my blog! and maybe give some bloggin' love!

    Mucho love,

    P.S. I'm your newest follower!
    i'd love it if you came by my linky party TALENT TUESDAYS!!!

    thanks again! I know what to do with my scraps now!!!

  8. Have totally done this with styrofoam balls and ribbon! lots of fun & instant gratification!


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