Friday, March 5, 2010

Photo Fun!

I am NO professional photographer by any means, but I do own a nice camera and have for a year now.  I am embarrassed to say that I really have no clue how to use it.  It is a Nikon D40, and although you really just need to point and shoot and you get good pictures, I still have a  fascination with wanting to learn more about how to use my camera. There are many resources out there and some really cool looking workshops and books I have wanted to take and read but just have not.  I recently found Clickin' Moms and joined it so that I can read and teach myself some tricks. 
My subjects seemed willing to participate today so that I could practice getting some good shots in and playing around with the camera. They are so wiggly that it was hard for me to make adjustments on the camera, but I had a great time getting them to laugh and look out the window at silly stuff!
Another cool resource that I have been using for editing purposes is Picnik. I do not have any type of fancy photo correcting programs, but picnik is easy to use and inexpensive! You can do just about anything with your photos at Picnik!

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  1. MC and C are the cutest!! Great photos and I love the headboard.

  2. your pictures look great! i have had my camera for a few years now (i really want,need a new one) and still do not know how to use all the settings. i am the type that doesnt like to read instructions, i like someone to tell me how. i really need all the help i can get and hope that getting a new camera will do the trick. i too love picnik! i can even use it! ha! i love that one sweet girl has straight hair and the other sweet girl has curly! very cute!

  3. Those pictures look great. You're subjects are so cute, I love that one has curly hair and one has straight.

    Now, I'm off to check out your resources.

  4. My little nieces are so beautiful. I miss ya'll.

  5. Your girls are so darn cute!!!
    Making memories is very easy with a good camera. I like yours and your pictures. I have a 2 year old too. :)

  6. These are really good - isn't it amazing what a good sunny window can do for pictures. I love it.

  7. Your blog is adorable and so are your girls! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

    Have you read the book "Understanding Exposure"? By Bryan Peterson. It's a must!

  8. Well, for not being a professional photographer, you're doing a GREAT job (& have adorable subjects!). I {heart} picnik too!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment so I could find YOU! I'll be following...

    Blessings! :)


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