Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Faith Outside the Box

Do you put God inside a box? Do you think He can only do those things that are within that little box? Do you believe that He can do greater things outside "your" box that you have put Him in? My answers to these questions might surprise you if you know me well. These questions were presented to me a few months back, only a few weeks after my mom was rediagnosed with cancer. I believed that God could protect, care for and love my mom through this cancer, but just to be honest my faith was wavering on a true miracle. I was putting my God in that box thinking He can do this or that, but never trusting fully in that miracle. I pray daily for my mom and her healing, but today was different. Today she went in to get the results of a routine scan. As I was driving this morning going about my day I was struck convicted (presumably by the Holy Spirit) that I HAD been putting God inside my little box. I prayed and confessed that I KNEW God could work a miracle, that there could be a clean scan! Three hours later my phone rang and my heart pounded as I answered....CLEAN SCAN......NOTHING was "glowing"!!! The Doctor said there was NO ACTIVE CANCER! Praise the Lord!!

Now, I am not the only one who has been praying, many, many people have been praying. Our family is forever thankful for those prayers! Today has been a true testament to prayer and God's modern day miracles! Today I have relearned something I already knew...God LOVES us, God wants to talk to us, God is our healer, GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!
1(A)Give ear to my words, O LORD,

"Consider my groaning. Heed the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God, For to You I pray. In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch."
Psalm 5:1-3

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  1. Thanks be to God! As Bishop Steib says, God is good all the time, and all the time God is good! And just so you know, you aren't alone. I felt the same way when I was waiting for my precious Lily to come home from China. I knew he could bring us together, but I don't know that I ever fully believed it. Perhaps it was to guard my heart and most likely it was the "human" side of me. Praise God that He knows this about us and His love is unconditional and there is nothing our wonderful God can't and won't do for us. He proved that on a cross and continues to do so each day in the miracles around us.
    So happy to hear the wonderful news about your mother and her testament to God's power and love.

  2. Praise the Lord that with Him all things are possible!

  3. Wow! That was awesome to read! How good and great is the Lord! How wonderful is His love!

    Candace (candy and cake)

  4. I love this story!!! Praise the Lord!

  5. God is so good. So good that He's willing to "prove" Himself in order to help us to the Faith He wants us to have.


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