Monday, September 21, 2009


Thats what I have been...MIA, well maybe not so much, but just busy!!
Let me play catch up...
School start a few weeks ago, and oh has that been nice for me and the girls! It is Sugar's first year in school and she is really loving it and her teachers! (I call it is technically preschool because they do all sorts of great learning activities, etc..) Spice pretty much started off just where she left off, just with new teachers. She gives me a hug and kiss and is on her happy little way into her class. One thing that is different this year is the option to pick Spice up in the car line!! Not only did that make me realize how big she really is getting, but how old it made me feel! HA! Here are my cutie patooties on the first day. I could not get a shot of them together because Sugar was so pround of her new Keds she just kept running everywhere!

The week after school started the fair came to town. This huge fair comes here every year the girls and I had yet to experience it, so that is how we spent our Labor the Fair! It was so fun! Spice and I got those stamps you get where you can ride everything (that is if you meet the height requirements...her and I both could have had issues there). I felt like I was 12 again, probably because the last time I went to the fair I was 12. We had a blast and Boompa and Gran came along too. Mr. Nice even rode the Camel with Spice. My a camel and sell rides at the will be rich in no time! (Thanks Boompa for supporting us in that ride...hand stamps did not count!)

In other news....I have also been working with Jean Stockdale and two other friends Morgan and Lauren on a blog for an online Bible Study! I had mentioned a few posts ago. You can visit the blog is never too late to join in, and if you are interested....let me know!

Promise not to be MIA so much here on out. I do have some more fun things to fill you in on like murder mysteries and hitching a ride with my local police officer...but I will keep you in suspense!


  1. So glad you came back to the blogging world. I have been concerned. Love the Keds. I remember I had a pair for probably a good ten years of my life. Some years I even got slip on ones too! Then I was big time. Ready for our zoo trip...

  2. Apparently having one in preschool makes us both MIA...:) I haven't been on here in forever hope you gals have a great year!!

  3. Friend, this web site might be fabolous, i just like it.


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