Tuesday, September 1, 2009

At least you have a little left....

That's what Spice told me this weekend when I found this..... Now, just picture what it might have looked like before! Yes you are right, FULL!!!
The smell of fingernail polish lingered downstairs Friday night and I just about panicked. I quickly ran upstairs to find OPI everywhere!! It could have been could have been "Most Honorable Red" or "Cajun Shrimp", it could have been in her hair, on the floor, or on the furniture. It was only on my most favorite, billion count, feels like butter sheets! Ahh! And even worse....her blankie!!! The blankie was used as the "cover up"! She threw that on top of the sheets. I guess to "hide" the evidence! Thank goodness we have a backup blankie, rather the original blannie, the backup was actually the one that was messed up. Good thing, then I would have been crying about the blankie know baby memories and all!! She also told me she found two "jewels" when it spilled! (You know the little metal balls that are in polish bottles!)
Anyone know how to get polish out of a very special blankie and my favorite sheets?


  1. oh my goodness....gotta love that girly girl!!

    Jim said, 'at least it wasn't Mango Mango'

    You seen Chris Harrison on TV lately???

  2. She never ceases to amaze me...I was on pins and needles reading waiting to see where she put it!

  3. I do love that child. Sounds like an Anthony. I would have tried to hide the evidence too. It was nice of her to add that you had some left!!!!!

  4. Yes I am anxious to meet Mr. Simmons! He has the kind of sense of humor I like, I can tell. love, jean

  5. Girl, I wish you could have seen it! I took a few stills and will post a blog about it, but it was hysterical. I wanted her to be in it and we did a couple of takes with her but she bailed on me. This morning she said we need to do a funny one now that we had gotten the info out. She is alot of fun to work with. Joey the cat and both boxers strolled through and we wanted to do one with them in it. And we are still trying to do one with the grandbabies. You have created a monster!

    I have about 32 registered and we have sent out a few orders already. This is really getting excitted. A mom at First Collierville told me that her friend in Cal. is getting a group together to do it. I think we should promote that idea of getting a group for an accountability group. God has staggered me thorugh this! Thanks for being a part of it.


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