Thursday, June 4, 2009

God Rocks!

This song has been in my head all week, along with many others like "Big House". (I'm not even sure if that is the right title or not.) The reason why....teaching VBS!! I have had so much fun during this crazy week getting to know 29 amazing 4 & 5 year olds, watching them learn about God, and of course getting to do this side by side with a very dear friend...Amy!
It is hard for me to describe this VBS experience, let me just say, this VBS is nothing like any other VBS I attended as a child! I had many excuses not to teach this week (child's birthday this weekend, getting ready for vacation next week, crazy schedules for a 3 year old and 1 year old, etc, etc....)
The Lord has AGAIN proved me wrong in trying to do what I want over what HE wants. I feel like I have gotten the blessing from all of this, not to mention the 3,000+ others that I know the Lord has spoken to this week.
Can I say how cool it is to see these little kids pre-k kids getting, understanding, and loving what VBS is all about....JESUS! What is even cooler, my almost 3 year old is coming home with little snippets that she has learned. (warning: side note story......Tonight she was helping me cook, I told her the red lights on the stove meant HOT, so be careful. She then told me that red represented Jesus' blood! WOW!!) I am just so humbled and blessed that we are part of such an awesome church that cares so much for KIDS! So much time and effort has been put into every last detail of VBS to make it so perfect.

Here is a little eye candy from one day.....
Our "Camp out Area" in our room
The Puppet Show area in our room
The Boys from my group...yes I said BOYS...I was in charge of 5 boys this funny! Oh they were cute!
The cute little sign on our way to ride the trains.
Look who was riding when I got there....SPICE!
Who doesn't LOVE Church Lemonade.....
and cookies!!
One of my little cuties....his mom was one of my small group leaders during MOMS, she gave me the ok, to post his pic!!
This is the sign we carried everywhere so our kiddos could stick with us!
The fellowship hall where we sang and watched an awesome performances!
Here is the fellowship hall. This room was filled with K4, K, 1st and 2nd Graders. The older kids went the the 1st performance. Look how many kids!!!


  1. Oh, I need to catch up and post my VBS pictures. It was an awesome week, wasn't it? We loved every minute!!

  2. Girl, how did you have time to catch all the cute pics in between pulling off fabulosity VBS!!!! It was fun catching up with you in the Rockin Craft Cabin.


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