Friday, June 5, 2009

Five Weeks Overdue!

AHHH! That is what my sis-in-law would be saying if she REALLY were 5 weeks overdue! The problem is me, the new aunt!! This post is 5 weeks WAY overdue!!!
Meet Ford....
Ahh, that baby goodness just melts your heart and makes my ovaries hurt!
The night they went to the hospital, I could not sleep!! Everyone was asleep except for me! If Jill and Trey would have invited me up to the hospital at midnight I probably would have come! Morning came and no Ford! Breakfast came and no Ford! Lunch came (which I ate at the hospital) and no Ford! Finally after time passed the Dr.'s decided a c-section was best. FINALLY he arrived. Jill and Trey became parents for the 1st time, Mr. Nice became an uncle, my girls were cousins and I became an aunt. Because of busyness, sickness, and life we have only actually seen him a handful of times. But oh again, that sweet baby goodness!!! I have borderline baby fever again...thanks FORD! We love you!!:)


  1. Adorable baby! And his name is precious!!

  2. Love that hair...he's giving me baby fever too!

  3. Congratulations Ashley! I'm SO happy for Jill. By the way, your previous post made me so 'church-sick' I almost cried....we miss y'all so much.

  4. Hows sweet!! I love all that hair...I checked out your etsy shop today and added you as a favorite I am just getting started but hope I can use your fun papers soon...for some advertising :)


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