Friday, April 29, 2011


April 28th is a big day at our house! It's my birthday, but it is also Caroline's birthday!  This can be a bit confusing for a new 3 year old.  It also made my 4 year old feel left out.  She did not understand why she wasn't born on my birthday too!  She soon got over it when I reminded her that she had 2 friends with her same birthday!  We started celebrating early the weekend of Easter....
Daddy surprised us with our own ice cream cakes!

Caroline enjoyed some cards and presents from family!

On our real birthday Ken so sweetly woke up at 5 am to make us pancakes, eggs and bacon!  I had a birthday spread for Caroline including some fun pictures of her to decorate.  Very simple but fun!

Look at the excited big sister in the background...she knows whats coming!

Don't let this face fool you...she was excited....this is just her typical "don't give me any extra attention" face! And that hair....well, that is just how it naturally looks when she wakes up! HA!

Later in the day she got to enjoy her gift from Mimi and Pop, this was also an early gift for Molly Cate as well!

For dinner we ate rice as Caroline requested with a nudge to a hibachi grill from me!:)

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