Monday, February 28, 2011

Just add milk...

and watch him grow...

Well, he did also have some sleep, many diaper changes and lots of love these past four weeks.  Four weeks? Really? So hard to believe how fast a few weeks can speed by. I know before long I will be doing a one year post, so I'm trying as hard as I can to breathe in every moment!

Baby boy blue is up to a whopping 8 lbs and 13 oz today, and to me that is big considering about three weeks ago he had dropped down to 6 lbs.  He is really starting to focus in on who is holding him and getting into a "routine", which is making our days (and nights) a little more predictable.

I'm still learning how to manage a household with three kiddos, but everyday has been better than the day before.  I love this little family God has put together and seeing these three kiddos of ours together, well....I just love it.

Jack's official, "I'm one month old today picture!"


  1. He is absolutely adorable! Enjoy every second with that sweet baby! Your family is truly blessed.

  2. He is so so precious. Congratulations to you and yours.
    P.S. He looks beautiful in white!


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