Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011!

It's a new year and we have a new blog!  The collage above highlights just 12 moments from each month of 2010.  2010 brought lots of fun and crazy times along with a new baby blessing that will be joining us in about five shorts weeks! We look forward to sharing our 2011 with you through this blog.  The blog is still a little under construction, but I was excited about getting it up for the new year! We hope you will follow along with us as we delight in our fun and crazy life!


  1. Happy New Year!!! What a gorgeous collage! I especially love the pic with Bob and Larry. My husband's cousin is the creator of Veggie Tales, so it's always fun to see families enjoying them. Hoping these next 5 weeks pass quickly for you as I know they are the most uncomfortable. Praying for a safe and joyful delivery for you.

  2. happy new year! Following along :-)


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