Thursday, December 30, 2010

No Resolutions...Just a Word


Last year we did the same thing...instead of resolutions we picked a word for our year.  A word that we thought would represent our year.  Wow, were we WAY off when we chose the word "Simplify", we kicked it off with Sugar being in the hospital at the beginning of the new year! That was not what we meant by simplify!  So this year we will DELIGHT...

Delight in the Good and the Bad
Delight in the Healthy and Sick
Delight in the Clean and Messes
Delight in the Hard and Easy
Delight in Sleep, but mostly No Sleep coming my way
Delight in our Kids because we know they will grow up way too fast
Delight in our families and the time we get with them
Delight in Fun and Work
Delight in the piles of Dirty Laundry (we are thankful to have many clothes to wear!)
Delight in our friends that we are so blessed to have
Delight in the home we have
Delight in the gifts God has given us
but mostly.....
Delight in Him first! God is giver of our lives and things and days and stuff!

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