Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful on Paper {Week 2}

This week I have chosen my sweet and wonderful husband to write to.  We met in high school and started dating our junior year.  The picture above was taken on our second date..Homecoming 1996!  We have literally spent about 1/2 of our life together! I think that is so amazing! At the time I would have never guessed that I would have married him, but I am so thankful to God that He has put Ken (aka: Mr. Nice in my life!) He is a wonderful, unselfish man who loves me and our children so very much! I know he would jump to the moon and back for us!

He has grown into a man after Jesus' own heart serving and loving God before himself.  He sets such a great example for our family.  I pray that our son will turn into a man just like his daddy and that our girls will marry someone like him as well!
Did I mention he spoils me? My mother reminded me of this the other day, and sometimes it is good to be reminded because I want to appreciate him and not take him for granted! I love you so very much Mr. Nice! My world would not be as wonderful without you in it!

Want to read more Thankful on Paper? Hop on over HERE and check it out!

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  1. So sweet! What a blessing, thanks for sharing! (very cute photo!)

  2. What a wonderful post.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day :)


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