Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Giving Thanks Around Here

With Thanksgiving in literally one week thankfulness has been on our hearts.  Although this feeling should not come around only one time of year, it should be something that is a constant in our lives at all times.  I have been trying to remind  my girls of what it means to be thankful and thanking God from who all blessings flow.  In doing so here are a few things we have been doing around here...

Our thankful tree...idea given by a friend.  Everyday we add a leaf (usually 2, because each girl wants her own) This picture was taken at the beginning of the month.

On our message board in our breakfast room I have a place to write some thankful things...this note was to the hubs.  It is still there.

We have been so thankful for beautiful fall weather most of this month, even a few very warm days!  It has made it perfect for playing outside and going to the park!

I have been recently very thankful for sweet sisters who "most" of the time have been getting along nicely.  I hope this gets better with time so that they can entertain each other when baby boy blue gets here.

I am also thankful for Sugar's super good potty training progress! We are pretty much diaper/pull-up FREE!! She is pretty proud of herself too! HA!

I'm thankful we can share sweet, festive treats with our school friends!

I'm thankful for cute little indian girls that get excited when mommy helps out at school!

What are you thankful for today??
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