Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Free Fall Printables + More

Hello there sweet friends! It feels like fall has finally made it here to the south! Hope you are enjoying some fun fall weather for yourself.  In honor of the season I thought I would share with you some more fall printables that I have stored away. 

Round Stickers for candy, treat bags or baked goodies! These would even be cute on the planter of a mum to give to someone special.
Flat note cards for a quick hello or to write down your favorite fall recipe!

Another round sticker for treats and more!

I had great intentions of printing these out and making up some really cute examples on how to use the paper pretties but we have been doing this....

And more of this....
This time it was Spice not Sugar!

Sharing sickness and sharing hair cutting tips are not a mama's idea of working on sharing skills! Needless to say we had a very eventful Monday.

You can find these free printables and more HERE. Happy Fall Yall!
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  1. Cute Fall Graphics. Thanks for sharing. Too bad about the medicine and hair. The Mom's life is full of mayhem. Victoria, www.obSEUSSed.com

  2. They must have learned the hair cutting techniques from me. You know I cut my own hair too. I thought you hid the scissors????

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I cannot believe she cut her hair, too! You must not have scared her enough when the first haircut happened :)! I didn't know they were sick :(! Call me later!

  4. oh no! i hope everyone is feeling better soon! jillian did the same type of haircut! it will (eventually) grow back!


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