Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Round and Round...

That's what Sugar and Spice's wheel's did at wheel day yesterday! This little annual event at their preschool has become a favorite of the girls.  One day a year they get to bring thier wheels to school and ride around and around.  Sugar traded in her wheels a few time with her buddies.  I am always in the crowd when it comes to these type events, but the girls were thrilled to see Boompa and Mr. Nice at wheel day this year!

Not only did they get to ride their bikes all around, but also enjoyed a cool treat afterwards!

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  1. how fun! looks like she had a blast!

  2. So cute! After all that work those kids will needed popsicles :)

  3. Great post! Gran was sad that she was not able to come to "Wheel Day" this year. Glad BoomPa was there to represent the grandparents.

  4. Oh, what fun memories these pictures bring back! Especially of Sugar w/ Ms. Shelby and Ms. Deborah!


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