Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The walls came tumbling down!

No battle was fought, but I could not help but sing the Battle of Jerico song as the contractor was banging down this wall!  Yes, we did do some home renovations the week of Christmas, and yes we are crazy! HA! The mess was not too terrible, but I did have to oh so carefully slide my Christmas tree to another spot! I absolutely LOVE before and after photos...really...who can resist? Especially on those reality tv shows like Biggest Looser and Extreme Home Makeover (two of my favorites).

(photo of recent Extreme Home Makeover that took place in my hometown. photo by Matt Bush of the Hattiesbug American)

This is no extreme home makeover, but it is a little makeover to me! It is amazing how something as silly as a wall can change everything! I have had this "little" idea in my head for a while now and it has been on our long list of renovation ideas since moving in two years ago.  I was excited to see on one of my favorite blogs, Chatting at the Sky, that she too just knocked down a wall! This helped us invision our project a little better.  For now enjoy the before and after photos!

Wall on the den side

Wall on the living room side (soon to be dining room)

Fresh sunlight peeking through after day 1

AHH, better flow! (and I like how I can see my front door from the kitchen now!)

More of my "little" renovation ideas to come soon!


  1. Love it! And no, I don't think you're crazy for doing a little "renovation" during the week of Christmas! I ALMOST painted my entire house the week before! Thank goodness I talked myself out of it! Hope you had a Merry Christmas.

  2. Oh, I love it!!! It's great!!!

  3. Oh, how I wish someone could come and knock out some walls at my house. I love how you can see so much more of your house from the kitchen, that's so what I need.
    Lucky girl.

  4. Renovations make me so happy. And how fun to start out the new year with a new space. Have you ever read Chatting at the Sky? She's a blogger and just finished a very similar renovation. You will like her pictures. Reminds me of yours. We really like the name MOlly for our little girl? Would it be ok to share that?


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