Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In Six Months....

Six months from today my "BABY" will be two! Does that make me sad? Yes! Does it make me what more kids?? It depends what day you ask me...HA!  I just thought that last week she was six days old, just last week she was six weeks old, no really...last week she was six months old! None of that is true, I know, I must start to realize she is a "Toddler" not a "Baby".  I'm still going to call her my baby though!

And six months from today I will be the BIG 3-0! Yes, I know some of my friends out there have already hit the big 3-0 and they tell me it is the new 20! HA! So, please ask me everytime you see me in public.."How old are you?" I will gladly tell you TWENTY-nine!:)


  1. Been awhile since I have been on...I love your post!! You also added sooo many super cute things to your etsy shop!! I love it!!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by. The room looked good when it was done but the process is never dull here at my house!

    Your little girl looks so darling in this picture. Yummy! Blessings. jean

  3. Hey Ashley...I was looking around at your so cute! In 6 months I'll be the big 4-0! I'd glady take 30 back. It seems just like yesterday! Miss seeing you!


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