Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day!

Labor Day #1

Labor Day #2:
In honor of Labor Day and in participation with Rocks in My Dryer, I'm sharing the hardest work I've ever done!
How long were your labors?
Kid #1, 10 hours.
Kid #2, 6.5 hours
How did you know you were in labor?
Kid #1, When I went in for cervidel (sp?), they said I was ready!
Kid #2, Induction

Where did you deliver?
With both of them, at a hospital.

Ha! Yes! Although I was tempted to only get 1/2 an epidural with #2. The epidural did wear off the last 30 min with #1, that is the only reason for no c-section with her!
Nope, though Kid #1 almost was after 2 hours of pushing!.

Who delivered?
Dr. Greenwell for both, very wonderful and calm Dr. If we are blessed enough to have another I hope he is there again!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I found your blog through the Labor Day meme, wasn't this fun? You look so calm in your pictures outside the hospital! I really love your blog header; what a neat picture and the verse makes it so much more! Blessings, ~Whitney


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