Monday, July 11, 2011

Here and There...

Not too much to report lately.  We have been laying low and doing our best to stay cool around here.  Today the high was 100 degrees and it felt every bit of the 108 index! I'm on the verge of digging a pool in our backyard.  The girls have been cooling off by running through the sprinklers....
We also went to a really cool princess party that the girls loved!

Happy Birthday Sweet Ainsley!!

We have still been eating healthy too! Maybe a few treats here and there, but we can tell a huge difference in how we feel and the way our clothes are fitting.  We have noticed a difference in our children's behavior too...funny how good food can do that! The other night I made a pasta salad with broiled asparagus, sun dried tomatoes and feta cheese. YUM YUM!!

The girls loved it!

A new favorite drink of mine is this cream soda.  It is all natural with no icky sugars!

My kids LOVE to read, and I'm excited that Jack is catching on too! One of Caroline's favorite ways to help me out is to read to Jack.  He loves to listen to her and so do I!

After snapping some pictures of the two book worms,  Caroline decided to play photographer.  I was so excited to see this picture of me and Jack.  It is not that often I have my picture made with the kiddos.  I think she did a pretty good job.  I did do a little editing, but I think I may have a little photographer on my hands!

Hope your week is off to a great start!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley, I don't know you personally, but I enjoy following your blog. That pasta looks great. I was wondering how you made it. Is it just pasta, asparagus, feta, sundried tomatoes with some olive oil and salt and pepper? If you don't mind sharing, I would love the recipe. Your kids are adorable. Thanks! Meredith


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