Friday, July 8, 2011


At 1:30 last Friday we decided that for sure without a doubt we would load up the car and head out of town at 4:00! We had been kicking the idea around all week, but had never "officially" decided to do anything until 2 1/2 hours before departure time!  That's right folks..I got a family of five packed and ready for a three night vaca in just a few hours.  Thankfully I had been doing laundry All. Day. Long! We decided to drive across our home state to visit Chattanooga!

Our first stop...The Cracker Barrel...whats a road trip without a stop here and some junk from the country store?? We actually did not let the girls buy anything but rest assured they begged and pleaded!
After the bellies were fed we were on our way. This little miss woke up as soon as we pulled in.  Maybe because Jack was screaming to be fed? She had fun helping us load up the luggage trolley (what are those things called?) and of course hitching a ride.  We had never really thought about how we would get three sleeping kids into the hotel so we were happy that she was awake to "ride" in!

We got into the room at....12:05 Chattanooga time....

These two looked like this.....

Their sister looked like this....

After a teeny bit of sleep we were up and on our way Saturday morning...everyone was all smiles!

We ate breakfast at Bluegrass Grill.  It was very yummy!!

After breakfast we were off to the Tennessee Aquarium! Were we saw lots of fish, snakes, turtles, butterflies, sharks, sting rays and penguins!

And one extra large sea turtle!

After finishing up at the aquarium the girls had fun cooling off in the water outside!

Back at the hotel the girls had fun jumping across the beds...something they don't get to do at home!;)

For dinner we headed over to Taco Mamacita.  If you are ever in Chattanooga this is a must try!

After dinner we grabbed some ice cream at Clumpies and walked across the bridge!

Sunday we drove to the top of Lookout Mountain then enjoyed some swimming at the hotel.

Again we tried a yummy place for dinner...Urban Stack, they have delicious hamburgers!!! Jack wants to come back so he can have one!

After dinner we parked and walked our way towards the fireworks!! The girls got a little tired and needed some help from dad!

And the next day we were gone, just like we came in...although everyone was awake!

Chattanooga is a really great place to visit with kids, we hope to visit again and see the things we missed!


  1. Sounds like fun! Jack is precious!

  2. OK....I have to say I am SO impressed!! We have yet to take a vacation with our three unless it has been planned for months, haha! You're an inspiration :)
    Will you be around August 12-14th by chance??


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