Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer Bucket List 2011

These wonderful lists have been popping up all over blog land, so when the first day of summer officially hit on Tuesday we started making our list!! Of course some of these things we hope to do more than once!
Here is our chart for out 100 books that we are trying to read before the summer is up! Fun Fridays will be something fun....of course... that the girls can choose for us to do...within reason!
So now that Summer has officially started what is on your bucket list???
Some other fun bucket lists to check out...
Whatever ...where I got the idea to put it up on the chalkboard! 

1 comment:

  1. wow thanks for the shout out. i too have my bucket list on the chalkboard, just haven't seemed to find the time to post a picture.

    i may have to copy your 100 books idea... starting today.


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