Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Too fast...

That is how most of our days go by.  It was just Saturday, then all of a sudden it is Wednesday afternoon! Since Jack has been born our days have all been like this.  I wake up and before I know it it is bedtime. I look around and most days the only things I have accomplished are fullfilling the basic needs of my kids...and that is perfectly fine with me!

Blogging has taken a backseat....a way back seat. There are friends and family out there who have been asking where my post have been? Well, I've been staring at him...(and changing his diapers!)

Just the other day this big sister was a baby look at her! She will be three next week and it makes me want to cry to think about that!

...and this big big sister, well I can not even believe that five years ago I was getting so close to becoming a mom for the first time.  I'm holding on to her being four right up until that last second!

I'm soaking in today, because before I know it little Jack will be one!  Thanks you Lord for these blessings!


  1. Love on those sweet little ones and enjoy every second with them. I'm already having withdrawals thinking about kindergarten this fall! These five years have flown by WAY to quickly!

  2. Oh my gosh so quickly they grow. Thanks for the sweet picture update. Just darling. Joyous Easter Blessings to you and your family!


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