Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Antiquing with Jack + Other Random Thoughts...

This post has been sitting in my draft box for a whole week now, so I guess its time for me to post it before it becomes really old news.  Last Tuesday Jack and had a little time (very little 10 minutes) between nursing and picking the girls up from school, so instead of folding laundry we went to my favorite antique store! I thought it was time to introduce him to the world of antique stores....
We found some cool antlers, but could not decide where we would put them...

I showed him my favorite booth, although a piece of furniture I had been eyeing was gone...

This booth had some cool antique Easter eggs I liked...
At another booth we found some fun spring flowers made of cute would these be on your front door??
When I move to my farm house in the country I will start a blue mason jar collection like this one...

Or either a rolling pin collection....
Jack and I both liked this table and trunk!

I think I love antique stores because my parents always drug me to them as a child, at the time I thought it was awful, now my appreciation has grown.  So when I saw this little guy I knew my dad would have loved him if he would have been with us!

These sweet birds (although new..not old) makes me SUPER DUPER excited that spring is around the corner!!

Summer is not too far away either...check out this little lemonade stand...I think it was $400.00...Jack and I agreed a card table would do the trick!
Before I knew it we only had 13 minutes to drive to the preschool and get the girls. Jack forgot his wallet so we did not make a purchase!

In case you haven't noticed yet, gas is expensive.  I don't think I have ever spent this much on gas so I had to take a picture.  The man at the pump next to me looked at me like I had lost it when I was taking this picture...
This is just a sweet picture I loved of Jack from last week.  He is sporting his Honey Bee Tees gown.
As we wait for spring I have been doing some art projects to get me in the mood.  These are hanging in my sun room, the perfect place for all the cheery colors!

Last week the weather was great for playing outside and running some energy off, this weeks weather tells a different story.  We are hoping our spring break trip to south Mississippi will be nice and warm!


  1. Jack is so cute! Good thing he forgot his wallet, how would you ever pay for gas? We are at about $4 a gallon over here, something like $80 to fill up our new car. My husband told me to just stay home , ha!

  2. Tell me where this antique store is? Jack is adorable as are your girls!

  3. I sure miss that antique mall! I'm so glad you've got a little shopper to help you navigate all those booths! Jack is just precious. Love his Honey Bee Tee!

  4. Please give a tutorial on your artwork! It is beautiful!

  5. Great Blog! I love all of those antiques! I am your newest follower and I would appreciate it if you would come check out my blog as well and follow me. Thanks & Have a great day!

  6. Love your artwork! And Sheffield's is always good for some inspiration.

    Have you seen Riley Blake's new fabric line? It's called Sugar and Spice and made me think of your old blog with it's turquoise and red theme.

    All the best!


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