Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Newborn Life

I've decided that newborns have it made.  They have absolutely no worries unless they are dirty or hungry (or their 2 and 4 year old sisters are in their personal space)!  They sleep when they want, eat when they want and pretty much get held and loved on by everyone.  I was so worried I would spoil MC if I held her too much, I was less worried with Caro, and now with Jack I have a hard time putting him down....can you blame me??....
Thanks to my mom being here I have had a lot of time to snuggle extra with him and soak in this newborn goodness.  Seriously...I love matter how much he wakes me up at night!  Overall, he is a super good baby.  He usually only cries when I change his diaper, and its not really his fault but mine.  I'm still learning this whole boy changing routine!

 The sisters are majorly in love and want to help with anything from burping to getting diapers!  Their favorite...holding rights!  I think they are going to be great big sisters to their little brother.


  1. He is precious!!! Don't worry, since Jack is #3, you probably won't ever put him down. At first, I carried Frances all around with me b/c I was trying to keep her "safe" from the big kids, and now I think she's just attached to my hip! But I wouldn't have it any other way. Enjoy that newborn yumminess!

  2. He is beautiful! Love all the pics :)

  3. So cute! So sweet! I want to see him again real soon. I believe I recognize those green pajamas in the last picture!!!

  4. oh my word...he's beautiful! i wouldn't put him down either. like you, i have a serious infatuation with a newborn. there's just something about 'em! as for holding #3, yes, it's true. they get held a lot more than the other 2. foster (my #3) is 15 months old and still not walking. why walk when you have someone to hold you? enjoy it now, when he's not 25 lbs! :)

  5. Love those sweet pictures! Can't wait to hold him again!

  6. OMGoodness, he's perfect. Absolutely perfect. So happy for you.

    Hoping your getting rest.

  7. Ashley, your little man is too adorable for words!
    You should have canvas made of the first pic, bc you captured that newborn essence, for sure. (I can almost smell the baby powder.) :)


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