Sunday, December 19, 2010

What's in a name??

"...I have called you by name; you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1

It is no secret what my children's names are.  I just have used "Sugar" (Caroline) and "Spice" (Molly Cate) as a cute reference to them becuase of their personalities (although these names could waver from time to time) and it goes with the blog.  More about the blog name later.

As far as names go we have FINALLY settled on a name for baby boy blue.  After our field trip last weekend, we decided we better get moving on this. We have only really liked two....well three names, but we could not agree on what it would be.  We agreed on the name I liked and then using the nickname Mr. Nice (Ken...since we are talking names here) liked.  So, baby boy blue will be ......

John Cooper "Jack"

The more kids you have the harder it is to my opinion! It really is sad the extent I have gone to looking at names for this child.  I have serched stationary stores looking at their birth announcments, looked through facebook names, asking every mom that I meet with a son what her child's name is!

Mattel Pressed Tin Jack in the box, brightly colored and working condition
As far as the blog name goes, I will switch over to a new blog name soon. One, that will reflect the whole family. (I don't want the little guy to feel left out!)  I will keep you posted on this soon.

Vintage Cracker Jack Tin Canister 1980

His room is finally coming along and I am so excited to have his little "space" all set up! I will hopefully have some pictures to share soon.  Along with some DIY projects that will go in his room. As I type Mr. Nice is working hard at hanging the curtain rod in his room.  I won't tell you how long it took for us to hang the light fixture or roman shades!


  1. Don't you think you would have done a better job of hanging the curtain rod??? I can't believe sugar and spice mommy is about to come to an end. This is sad... you are going thru too many changes...

  2. Well, I personally love the name :) Congrats on choosing a name! Hope you are feeling well.

  3. What a great name!! Seems only fitting. Congrats on the name milestone. Whoot!! Can't wait to see pics of your grand family finally all together. I was not so creative in my kid's blog names. I keep their real names concealed due to The Mr.'s job. Oh roman shades. good grief don't get me started. You are not alone. I'm sure when all is said and done you will be excited. ;-)
    Pop over to see pics of our darling who just turned 3!

  4. Love, Love, LOVE the name! Can't wait to meet sweet baby boy, Jack! I have to admit I'm a bit partial. Frances was going to be John Copeland if a boy, and Kathryn would have been Jack Logan! I guess great minds think alike:) Can't wait to see his nursery!

  5. Love the name! I have a nephew due in March, and his name will be Jackson (Jack) Harris. Jack is such a timeless name. Congratulations!

  6. I love that name!! It must feel awesome having picked a name and knowing little man will be here soon :)

  7. Love the name. I'm sure he will fit it perfectly.

    You are right, the more kids you have the more difficult it is to come up with a name. Try having THREE boys... ha, we still don't have a name (or a nursery.)

    Can't wait to see the room.

    Hugs and Merry Christmas.


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