Friday, November 5, 2010

Thankful on Paper {Week One}

I'm a little behind schedule this week, but Rachel over at No.17 Cherry Tree Lane is hosting an amazing blogging party this whole month!

You can read all about it on her blog! She is amazing and entertaining!  I loved this idea, because if you think about it how often do we truly sit down and write a hand written letter these days? NEVER! How excited do you get when you do get something in the mail? Not sure about you, but I get super excited. I also LOVED the idea because I am a stationery junkie.  I used to own a small stationery company online and loved designing all sorts of neat paper products.  So, my creative juices were flowing this week as I worked on some special stationery just for this month! I will have a DIY for that in a few days.

So, this week I am focusing on my mom! I have written a lot about my mom on my blog.  I have said it before and I will say it again, she is my hero! She loves me unconditionally and and unselfishly! She would do absolutely anything in the world for me or my family.  I can remember her going out of her way to do so many things for me when I was a child and now that I am grown.  She is WONDERFUL! I LOVE HER! I have been blessed beyond measure by God's love in giving me a mother like mine!

So, I am thankful on paper this week for my mom!

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  1. Wonderful! Yay for great mamas! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. How incredibly blessed we are to have such loving, devoted mum's
    Loved reading your TOP

  3. aren't moms the best?!

    your blog is SO CUTE!
    thanks for sharing :)


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