Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Scripture

Today in my high school girl's Sunday school class we are talking about studying your Bible.  There are so many reasons to study your Bible and meditate on God's Word, but one particular reason we study God's Word is for understanding.   When we read God's word, He reveals wonderful things to us that we may not have known before. Things that we should take to heart and use.  I thought it was pretty cool that one of the verses we will study today I had just written on some new art I made for the girl's room...

"Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things from your law." Psalm 119:18

(yes...I did misspell wondrous on the art work...oh well...I never said I was a perfect speller!)
A few more pieces of art for their room....

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  1. Love those owl paintings! I don't think I would have noticed the misspelling, its just one of those words that everyone misspells.

    Very creative!

  2. Have you gone all Chi O on me?


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