Thursday, July 22, 2010

HELLO There!

Although I would love to tell you that we have been away on vacation, that is not the reason for my blogging absence. We have been busy doing fun summer things though! Here are the highlights...

Spray park fun! I think every town in the south needs a spray park, although this park is not officially in my town it is nearby.  We like to visit as often as we can, and when we have friends with us it makes it that much more fun!

SNOW CONES!! This is my absolute favorite summer treat! There is a snow cone stand that we are very willing to drive about 20 minutes to just because they have the BEST snow cones in town! You can even get ice cream in them.  Very yummy to this prego mommy! I was even more thrilled when the same snow cone stand showed up at our church last night for one of our youth functions. My usual flavor of choice...banana!

Night time fun! When daddy comes home the girls are usually full force. The other night we went out and got...can you cream, then walked over to a local town square nearby.  Although it is the month of July, it was a very pleasant night.  The girls ran around chasing squirrels and daddy was a good sport and played ring around the rosies. My favorite part was relaxing on the bench and taking in the view of two little girls squealing and running around!

Inside pretend play! We have been doing a lot of this because IT IS hot and this sick preggo mommy likes to stay as cool as possible!  The girls have always loved to play babies, but they have recently taken it to a new level.  Sugar is usually the baby and Spice is usually the mommy.  Sugar fits snuggly into our baby doll stroller, and Spice pushes her around. Sugar will do exactly what Spice is really hilarious!

Hope you are having a fun filled exciting summer!

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  1. Looks like you're having such a fun summer!!

  2. The picture of Caroline all squished up in that stroller made me laugh!!!

  3. LOVE the sweet pictures of the kids at the spray park! Always some funny excitement :)!

  4. hahaha what sweet babes! I bet they are having a great time getting to go to a spray park! I am not too sure where those could be found, but it seems like a blast!

  5. I used to push my brother around the 20 acres at mom and dads and he just pretended right along with me! I love the PB stroller! I have to get one for Mary Brooke in a year or so!

  6. oh my, how in the world did C squish up her body like that to fit in the stroller? Too funny! reminds me so much of Allison and I...she use to do EVERYTHING I told her to when we played "baby" .....MC and C are looking more and more alike the older they get and it looks like C is going to be tall, she's catching up to MC They are so precious and look JUST LIKE Aunt Becky :) Hopefully, we are coming there soon to see Erin (&Todd) and my sweet Presley and baby Nate (but he isnt a baby is his 1st Birthday! He is SO big and looks EXACTLY like Todd's dad..its so funny Annellise would have so much fun playing with C and MC and I know they would love it too :) we have got to get together soon I miss yall! give the girls love and kisses from u

  7. We're in the South too so the splash park is a must around here too! LOL at your snowcone comments. The day before I had Hudson I stood in line at our favorite snowcone stand for 20+ minutes just to get one last fix - flavor of choice: wedding cake WITH cream :)

    The pink/orange polka dot bikini is so stinkin' cute!!! Would you mind sharing where it came from?

    Stay cool!

  8. we love spray parks too!


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