Monday, June 28, 2010

We're Back!

Although I am happy to be home, I am also missing the beach this morning! I still have 300+ pictures to go through so I only have one to share with you today.  This is my most favorite one from the week! We always make a family picture and we tend to put a lot of thought into what to wear, what day to make the picture, and what time is best.  We planned our outfits accordingly with the cute outfits that our kids had to match (courtesy of Gran and BoomPa).  This was also taken on our last night at the beach. This is always a fun tradition that I am sure that we will continue to do!
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  1. totally jealous! Dying to go to the beach. Glad you had fun! what a great family pic!

  2. What a great photo! Love the outfit choices :D

  3. Love Stella Rose6/28/2010 3:07 PM

    loving the family pic and cannot wait for OUR turn to go to the beach! Glad you had a great trip looking forward to seeing more pics!

  4. How fun! I'm SO jealous! Love the coordinating :)

  5. Hey I recognize those adorable children's outfits...Kelly's Kids (my employer)!!! Love 'em! If you don't mind I'd love to share this pic with our home office!!

  6. Glad ya'll had a great time!!!


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