Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Strawberry Pickers

Last week we had a great time stomping through the local strawberry patch and picking stawberries with some of our best buds! It made my desire to live on a farm even greater and made me realize that it is officially summer in the south becaue it was HOT!! Poor little Sugar's hair was dripping wet by the time we finished.
Going into this whole strawberry picking thing I invisioned me being able to make pies, desserts, jams, and some more strawberry salsa.  Well, I guess I did not supervise my children close enough as they picked.  I think I was too busy dreaming of my farm house talking to my friends... because Sugar picked everything in site...then ate it.  Spice did pretty good, but only had enough for about two strawberry shortcakes. Here are the highlights..

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  1. Cute post! This month you can go blueberry picking in Nesbit.

  2. I sure wish we were there picking with you guys! Although I would have been tempted to eat them all like Sugar;)


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