Friday, June 18, 2010

Missing My Big Girl!

I've been waiting for this week for a while.  I have had grand plans of things I was going to do and accomplish.  If you saw my to do list you might laugh.  My aspirations were high because I was only going to be responsible for one child (not counting the one in my belly). 

Spice has been away at "Camp Mimi and Pop" this week. Sugar and I were going to do tons of stuff.  The only things we have done are pack for the beach and survive day to day. Bottom line Mrs. Nausea has set in along side Mr. Sleepyhead!

I have realized too how well entertained the girls keep eachother.  I like to sit and play with them, but they really do like to play TOGETHER.  I have missed that becuase Sugar has missed that!

I have missed my big girl for these top 10 reasons:

10. No one will get a diaper for me when Sugar needs to be changed
9.  Playing pretend (Sugar doen't get it when Spice is not there to model it for her)

8.  Sugar does not always like to play with just her mom
7.  No one calls me from the top of the stairs in the morning (Sugar can't open her own door yet!)

6.  No bartering this week for snacks, when milk will be drunk, and what is considered a breakfast food
5.  No field trips, Sugar has been pretty content at home

4.  Spice usually initiates our nightly lightening bug catching adventure, and this week we have not done that!
3.  No VBS songs or other Kid's praise CD's have been played this week (Sugar is happy with KLOVE)

2.  No big girl bike rides
1.  No Hugs or Kisses from Spice

Looking forward to seeing my big girl today!!

All of these pictures were taken last week! We were super busy between birthday celebrations, VBS, swimming lessons, and the family reunion. So happy to capture these sweet moments of my Spice!
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  1. Love the sweet pictures with you and Spice, and the adorable one of the girls holding hands! Have fun at the beach! I hope we get to see you guys next weekend, even if it's for a quick visit!

  2. What sweet photos. There is nothing like siblings:) I know whenever my sisters were away it was not any fun;)
    I hope you are feeling better!


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