Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Baby Doll Birthday Party

This year at Spice's request we had a baby doll birthday party! She has LOVED playing with babies since before she even turned one, and our collection of dolls seems to be growing and growing.  This was the perfect party theme for her this year!
All the girls arrived in tow with thier favorite baby doll. Each little baby was a pretty and unique as the sweet girl that arrived with them. Even one of my mommy friends brought her cute! (and I'm majorly disappointed with myself because I did not get one picture with Spice and her baby!!)

For the party the girls each decorated a canvas "dolly diaper bag", this doubled as a favor bag filled with play bottles, diapers, baby spoons, baby rattles and cookies! (if you plan a party like this you may want to consider fabric markers or a faster drying paint!)  They all worked really hard on their bags and each one turned out so cute!

The girls were able to visit "Dr. Jill" (A.K.A. Aunt Jill...thanks Aunt are a good sport!) Dr. Jill checked their babies out and the girls got to make baby doll birth certificates. 

The girls mostly had a good time palying with all the baby toys, clothes and strollers.  Many diapers got changed and babies were wrapped up in blankets!

The girls enjoyed a yummy lunch and CAKE! Spice requested raspberry fluff on Max and Ruby!

I think Spice had a very memorable party, and she is very blessed to have such sweet friends that she got to share this special day with! I can't beleive MY BABY is FOUR!!
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  1. You are going to have to write a book on birthday themes. You are so creative!! I know all the little girls (and the big ones)had a ball! What little girl doesn't love a baby doll!

  2. I enjoyed being Dr. Jill. I kind of like the sound of that "doctor." I can't wait to dress up again.

  3. ohhhh this is sooo sweet! Little girls are so much fun. What a good mommy you are!

  4. OMGoodness, what a fabulous idea. If I had a girl, I'd be borrowing this idea. What a wonderful memory for everyone.

  5. Any way I could get a copy of the birth certificate?

    1. Kelly, I made it on my old computer that crashed. I'm so sorry. I would have been happy to share it with you. Maybe google search blank doll birth certificate printables? Hope that helps!:)

  6. Such a cute party and such great ideas! My daughters party is on the 8th of February and I'm trying to get last minute things done. How did you print off pictures for everyone so fast to send home with them on their birth certificates? Any ideas? Thanks!


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