Tuesday, May 11, 2010


You are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you.  Please don't take my sunshine away!

Two weeks ago Sugar and I celebrated our birthdays.  Yes that is right, we share a birthday! She was a precious little birthday gift from God! The night of our birthday we headed to the Mississippi river for dinner and fun!  I snapped this picture of my three little amigos on the river as the sun was setting. I just LOVE how it turned out!

My girls love their daddy, he loves them, and I love how much they all love eachother! He is a Godly guy with a love for the Lord that I hope they see and will grow from.

They love to have a good time, and I love to watch them have a good time. They make me laugh and smile.  I feel so blessed to have these little beams of light in my life! Each day with them is a true gift!

Go visit other gifts unwrapped at Chatting at the Sky!
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  1. Ashley,

    Your photos are lovely. I love this blog and am so glad I found it!


  2. How lovely to share a birthday. The best birthday present ever eh!

  3. your blog is oh so lovely. So glad I found it! What a sweet post! Nothing like a daddy with his kids. Melts my heart to see my husband with our son.

  4. Oh, SO cute! Love the sun in the picture, and your littles are so adorable. :)

    Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for commenting on The Sweetest Petunia!

  5. i saw your scrappy shabby fabric necklace on anna's blog!!! so presh! what a great tutorial. your blog is adorable. i love meeting fellow women of faith. i'm following you now and can't wait to read more! : )

  6. such sweet pictures. and such a lovely blog.
    nicole visiting from

  7. Love the pictures!! Happy belated Birthday to you and your little one! My daughters birhday is 3 days after mine, then my husband...we have lots of celebrating in a short time.


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