Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday Scripture

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."
Psalms 91:1
This morning Spice and I walked toward the church doors through the parking lot.  The sun was behind us and our shadows were cast in front of us.  She said she was walking on her shadow, she was trying to get ahead of it.  What do you think happend? She started moving faster and faster.  Then she got "on" my shadow, she realized then her shadow was hidden.  She was resting in my shadow.  As a mom I am her shelter, and she finds comfort in me. 
As a lover of the Lord, I find shelter in Him, therefore I can ALWAYS rest in HIS shadow and hide within Him.  Because I am a Christian I am connected to His shadow (see how in the picture above the people are "connected to their shadow??)
Are you walking in the shadow of the Lord today? I pray so!
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